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Proverbs 16:9

I really like the verse because I feel like I am living in the tension of my plan verses God’s plan. Tomorrow is the biggest event in my organization’s (Bridges International) year. It’s our Welcome Party and City Tour where we have new international students (most likely over 300 of them) go on a tour around the city and then we take them to an American’s home who happen to have the biggest private swimming pool in the US. It’s a really great event for students but is a lot of work for us. We have planned and planned for the event all summer and now it’s up to God’s plan to take over, for Him to guide our steps. This event could be great or it could go horribly wrong. It could stay sunny or it could storm. We can have enough seats on the bus for every student or we could turn students away because of no room. It’s time for faith to kick in that He will make it all be ok. Prayer and Faith. This is my reality! This is my step of faith that I am trusting Him to guide.

What steps of faith are you taking? Is there tension between your plans and letting God guide your step?