Abiding Marriage – Reed and my new blog.

Reed and I have started a blog about faith, life and marriage. We are calling it Abiding Marriage. I will now only post on that blog site, Abidingmarriage.com! It’s been fun posting on here. I actually made a priority to write on this blog so that I could practice writing posts and feel comfortable once Reed and I started our new blog. I’m excited to start putting all of my “creative” energy into Abiding Marriage. We hope and pray that our words on the blog will be relevant to people, where ever they are in life. And also be an encouragement to people who have “taken the plunge” and gotten married. So check us out at Abidingmarriage.com! Selah.

Bridges International City Tour/Welcome Party a day of miracles!


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So if you know me personally this past week I was a wreck about this event. So much planning goes into it and it is so important for our year to have students attend and enjoy this event. Well my prayers and tears were heard and answered. God really blessed us this past Saturday with what I would like to call miracles. Here they are: Continue reading

Day 19 | Getting An Advantage


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My take away verse from Proverbs 19 is verse 2.

“Surely there’s no advantage for a person without knowledge, and whoever moves too quickly misses the turn.” The Voice

So I hope to gain an advantage in these two areas. To grow in my knowledge of discipling women and Chinese culture. Perhaps by reading these two books I will have an insight on how to better disciple Chinese women! In the past I have neglected opportunities to learn in these two areas. I was more interested in learning as I go, but I think there is some wisdom in slowing down and really studying something. Should be interesting…


What books are you reading? Are you reading them to gain knowledge or to escape reality? The Hunger Games is my escape book!

Day 16 | Proverbs 16 Where all of my plans come to an end.


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Proverbs 16:9

I really like the verse because I feel like I am living in the tension of my plan verses God’s plan. Tomorrow is the biggest event in my organization’s (Bridges International) year. It’s our Welcome Party and City Tour where we have new international students (most likely over 300 of them) go on a tour around the city and then we take them to an American’s home who happen to have the biggest private swimming pool in the US. Continue reading


Brooke Fraser | Flags


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Reading Chapter 12 of Proverbs today talked a lot about justice. About those who do wrong will be punished. Yet sometimes in the world it doesn’t feel that way. I like how this song addresses this injustice we feel we live in. Enjoy. Happy Monday!

Brooke Fraser takes a section of the song just to cry out in OH. What are you crying out in OH today? Selah.

Day 9 | Proverbs nine: Wisdom vs. Folly


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photo courtesy of She Reads Truth

In chapter nine we see a comparison of the words of Lady Wisdom and the words of Lady Folly. It’s easy to read this chapter and be tempted to move on really quickly believing that this allegorical poem doesn’t have much relevancy to our day to day lives. But isn’t that what Lady Folly wants us to think? So let’s dig deeper.

She Reads Truth had some great questions to ask ourselves about having wisdom or folly. As we ask ourselves these questions let’s ask God to reveal to us where we are seeing folly and praise Him where we are walking in wisdom. Here are the questions (again this is She Reads Truth questions I didn’t write them):

– Can you see wisdom at work in your life? In your day to day life? If so, how? Praise God for that. If not, why not?

– Can you see folly at work in your life? If so, where? Repent and ask God for direction to walk away.  Where do you see victory where He has replaced folly with wisdom?


Day 8 | Proverbs 8: A look at Lady Wisdom


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Happy Thursday! While I was reading chapter 8 of proverbs, I realized that I am pretty confused by this Lady Wisdom person who Solomon is constantly bringing up. It’s kind of weird for me to see wisdom be personified especially as a woman. Am I alone here?  Chapter 8 gives Lady Wisdom the floor to speak her mind. She talks about being with God, the “master craftsman” (v.30 The Voice) and how He formed her before He established time and before “the earth saw its first sunrise” (v.23 The Voice). Who else was with God before time began? (Hint it starts with a J and ends with esus…) She also mentions that following her leads to life and to disobey will only hurt oneself and lead to death. (Also sounds like someone I know saying that!) Could Solomon be hinting about Jesus a 1000 years before he was came to the earth?

I wanted to see what the interwebs (aka google images) had on Lady Wisdom so I searched her and found this image. I liked it because it made me think of her talking because I feel like she has a lot to say.

If Lady Wisdom had a face, would this picture capture it? Selah.

Day 7 | Proverbs 7

I have never read proverbs straight through before. It is way different than I thought it would be. I think I have always read proverbs like I would read a fortune cookie, just reading the wise words, think about it for 10 seconds and then move on. But from reading it I can see Solomon really pleading with his sons to follow lady wisdom and stay away from foolish temptations. Proverbs 7 was hard for me to find applicable because I can’t get over the fact that he keeps talking about prostitutes. I have no temptations with prostitutes. But I think God meant this chapter and all chapters in Proverbs to be applicable in our lives. 

#Shereadstruth had a really good application for this chapter and I want to share it here. 

“As I read through this chapter, specificy the middle verses where Foolish is described, I see my sins there.  Maybe not as outright and obvious as described–or maybe–but they are there.
I want to be more like Wisdom.  But I see so much more of Foolish in me.

Say to wisdom, “You are my sister,”
and call insight your intimate friend

[Proverbs 7:4, ESV]

Divine wisdom and insight should be a sister or an intimate friend.

Stop for a second, think of your closest friend.  Perhaps, it is your sister.

How have you become close?

How did your friendship grow to what it is today?

How much time do you spend with her/him?

You probably see where I’m going with these questions: if we are going to intimately know God’s wisdom and understanding, we need to know Him.  We need to know His Truth.  We need to know His heart, and have one like His.

We need to be accurate, yet imperfect reflections of Him.  And we can only do that by spending time with Him and learning more about Him.  The best part is that He already knows everything there is to know about you!  So there is nothing to be ashamed about.

nothing.  He knows all your junk, and He loves you.  Oh, does He love you.” 

Sounds simple. Yet our sin makes it complicated. But luckily Jesus takes care of that!

Do you treat God like a friend? Selah.